Monday, 9 March 2015

Plastic Crystal in Your Sugar

sugar adulteration
Everyone know that Sugar is also not free from adulteration. It mix with chalk powder, urea etc. But I was shocked when I get to know about Sugar Adulteration with "the material".
What is new material which can be use to mix with sugar? It is a fine plastic crystal, which can't see with naked eyes. However, if sugar with crystals is added to cold water, it will not dissolve and settle at the surface of the container. However, if this test is done with milk or tea, the result may not be conclusive as even adulterated sugar gets dissolved. The possible use is in commercial joints like  resto, hotel, tea center, etc. Where everything serve hot or use the sugar hot purpose.

A report was published in TOI on 12 JAN 2015
Adulterated sugar samples seized

How to detect:
Just dissolve the sugar in cold water and find plastic crystal on surface of water.

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